This is the funniest thing I've seen for a long time. I mean, fair enough. No one reads the Daily Mail for quality journalism and if anyone does they're a total ming mong. In fact, Lars Von Triers Antichrist, the film in question, is, if we're honest, the kind of film that no Daily Mail reader would go and see anyway. But to write a review of a film they haven't seen and have no intention of seeing is bad enough. To manage to use it to criticise not only the EU, the BBFC, this government and to concede that he doesn't blame 'our jihadist enemies' for wanting to destroy our decadent society is nothing short of comic genius. And then to confuse Dutch with Danish (it's been corrected now). This article should be used in journalism school as an example of satire at its pinnacle. If it's not satire then Christopher Hart, the writer, is a truly pathetic twat of the first order. A perfect writer for the Daily Mail then.
Here's the link: Read it. Laugh your intestines out. And read the replies. All of them. Some of them are quite sane (obviously stumbled across it by mistake and aren't regular readers) but some of them, particularly the one who thanks him for protecting the children, are priceless.
I wasn't that bothered about seeing this, to be honest. It's at the top of my list now. I was starting to get a bit apathetic about things but I've now been reminded in the best possible way that, to quote the wise Mr Lydon, anger is an energy. Thank you, Daily Mail!
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